10 Ideas for Home School Kids During Coronavirus
Most of you know I am a Beauty Advisor, but few of you know my degree is in Child Development, and I owned and directed a daycare center for almost 20 years. I have a mind full of ideas to help moms who aren't used to homeschooling, and even help those who do. Here are a list of my top 10, and the Subject/Milestone Skill that they promote.
1. Get Them Outside for a Nature Hunt- Science/Discovery
Childcare providers know the air inside is way unhealthier than the fresh air outside. With Social distancing, getting them outside is still possible, even in our own backyards.
Nature Hikes have always been a favorite for our kids, grab a ziploc or paper lunch bag, maybe a camera or phone. Help them discover the natural items around them. Leaves, flowers, sticks, rocks, etc... Ask them questions. How does it feel?..Where do they think it came from?, etc...We call them Open-ended questions. Those that have to be answered more than yes or no.
2. Books are Always A Must- Reading & Literacy
With all the internet they are exposed to, grab a REAL BOOK, read to them, or have them read to you. Try those that spark their imagination, and prompt their questions. Ask what they like, and base your choices from there. My daughter loved my old "Little House on the Prairie" Books, and the classics that are in mainstream preschools, "Are You My Mother?" "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom".
Check the internet for more classic best-sellers.
3. Learning Toys & Small Pegs , Blocks- Small Motor Skills (small muscles)
Most of our homes already have toys that can be used for learning. Scrabble games, Letter blocks, Even lego's can be used to teach colors, sizes, etc..Peg's and Pegboards, Puzzles, etc. teach small motor skills, and problem solving. Even a regular deck of cards or an UNO game can teach colors, numbers, etc... and be fun at the same time.
4. Table Games- Art, Discovery, Small Motor, Sensory
Our daycare kids loved PLAY-DOH, STICKERS, SHAVING CREAM, FINGER PAINT and the SAND/WATER TABLE! Sit them down at table, drop cloth if needed.
Give them plastic craft sticks as play cutters, cookie cutters, blocks for imprinting, etc. Shaving cream is non-toxic if non-menthol (still don't put in mouth) It's soap after all. It cleans their hands, and can clean the table after ART projects.
FINGER PAINT inside a ZIPLOC, if you don't want a big mess. Give them a cup of water and a paintbrush outside, let them PAINT THE FENCE. lol..That's no mess at all!
SAND/WATER TABLE- grab a plastic shoe box, empty wippee box (without lid) or a dishpan tub. Fill with anything! Sand, Water, Beans, Rice, Leave etc...Just need supervision for smaller kids.
Old Baby Formula scoops work so well for scoops! Other scoop ideas are plastic spoons, measuring cups, funnels, etc.
5. Outdoor Games- Gross Motor (big muscles)
Kids need to MOVE! If the weather permits where you live, get them outside! State Childcare Licensing requires kids go outside 1 Hour in the Morning and 1 Hour in the afternoon.
This helps with getting their energy out, makes feel good endorphins, helping with isolation and depression!
6. Math Counting, Sorting, Patterning- Math Skills
Many household items can be used for teaching these skills. BLOCKS, BEANS (different kids)
DECK OF CARDS, PEGS, SMALL MCDONALD TOYS, ETC..Supervision required for smaller children.
Even Simple Math like adding and subtracting can be taught using what you have at home.
7. Cooking with a Parent- Life Skills, Math, Problem Solving
Kids always learn from their parents. What is more fun than cooking! Grab a cookbook, all the supplies and COOK! Cookies are a favorite for most kids, and older kids can cook using a recipe themselves. This teaches math, (measuring) Counting, problem solving, and most important helpful life skills.
8. Journaling- Writing Skills- Literacy
We love to journal, and what better way to help our kids COPE WITH THE STRESS, than Journaling. Even smaller kids can write, so give them paper, pencils, crayons, etc. Prompt them to write their feeling, how they can help others, and themselves. They can write stories, or letters to family and friends.
9. Quiet Time
Solace can be good sometimes. Soothing music, a good book, magazine, or a snuggle with a parent.
Cozy up with the softest blanket and pillows. Put on some soothing music, Kenny G Instrumental was a favorite for our daycare kids! Babies slept better than the lullaby, high pitched music! Give them a darkish room, and naptime will be so much easier!
10. Gardening- Science-Discovery-Sensory
Kids love dirt! Weather may not permit outside time now, but what a better time than SPRING to plant a flower garden, herb garden (kids love to eat what they helped grow) or vegetables in a larger garden. The closer they feel to nature, the more they feel connected. Inside gardening can be fun too, just more messy...lol
Amazing article, Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeletescrabble words finder
Well Thank you so much!! If you want more ideas, you can Google the 12 Pillars of Child Development and the Early Childhood Frameworks and get a bunch of info!!